Superintendent's Message
Dear Brigantine School CommUNITY:
As we enter upon the 2024-2025 school year, we are looking forward to our best year yet. Brigantine families, and CommUNITY members, your continued compassion, collaboration, and dedication to the health, welfare, and safety of others continues to be a shining example to other districts.
This past year we were proud to be recognized and designated by the New Jersey Department of Education as a “High Performing District”. Our academic programs, thanks to our outstanding staff, continue to grow and excel in preparing our scholars not only for high school and college, but also to be “Life Ready”. Our Middle School Cybersecurity course is the only one of its kind in New Jersey, and our Mr. Roger’s Project, in close collaboration with the Brigantine Chamber of Commerce, has been recognized at state and national conferences. Our ELA and Math curriculums continue to strengthen thanks to our continued commitment with various top level universities and associations that provide professional development to our staff. Lastly, our commitment to scholar centered learning, with an emphasis on social emotional learning, remains at the forefront.
We are proud of our esteemed relationships with our local Police Department, Fire Department, VFW, Elks, Chamber of Commerce, Atlanticare, the Atlantic County Prosecutor's Office, Brigantine City Council, Brigantine Public Works, Brigantine Aquatics Center, Brigantine Green Team, Brigantine Gardeners Association, the Brigantine Community Centers, and many others, who devote their time to improving the lives of our scholars and staff.
Our district teams have worked tirelessly over the summer to be more prepared than last year, as we remain committed to improving and continuing the utmost safety for all that enter our building. Our sanitation stations, spraying and cleaning throughout the day/night, and other precautions all remain in place. We remain committed to growing on the silver linings of our learning experiences outside of the building, and utilizing many of the beautiful resources our school grounds and the island of Brigantine offers.
Additional projects that the district has been working on this summer include:
Completion of new asphalt parking lots and cement walkways on both sides of the building
Installation of a new visitor sign-in system at Door #1 to strengthen security.
Please bring your license
into the building when visiting and/or volunteering.
Updated stairwells, hallways with flooring, ceilings, and paintings
Adjusted half day schedules to have recess for all scholars
Completing the mural in the Podcast Studio, thanks to Dunes Gallery
Updated the auditorium with new carpets
Remodeled all PreK and Kindergarten classrooms
Renovated the upstairs bathrooms
Completed painting of all exterior railings
Installed new wall mats in the Middle School Gym
Invested in new Chromebooks that 5th-8th graders will be able to take home each night as needed
Updated Chromebook monitoring solutions to ensure safety and security of student and staff data
Hardware updates to our Esports Arena machines
Installation of new HVAC units
Implemented AI into all staff and scholar devices
Implementing intro to AI curriculum as part of our 8th Grade elective Cybersecurity/AI class
Established a partnership with Oxford University
Hired several dynamic new staff members to our team
Installation of numerous SmartBoard TVs and Cabinetry into various classrooms
Wishing you all a safe and successful school year!
Yours in Education,
Glenn Robbins
Superintendent of Schools